Wisconsin Sesquicentennial Chautauqua
in Sauk Prairie, WI
words & music © Ken Lonnquist 1994
except "Wisconsin Poem"
1. Wisconsin Poem
Lyrics adapted from a poem by
Reinhold Johannes Kaebitzsch
Blue hearts in the crawfish swim
For the coolness in the stream
We know to be Wisconsin
The wild in the Green Heron
Apples for our black horses
Yellow woods of corn
All of us are immigrants
To these prairies sun flowered
Or black-eyed with Susans
To the rivers of the Whippoorwill
At your stream-forest
We scouted out Blackhawk
Yearning to be free
The Winnebago and The Fox
Sauk and Norwegian
German, Finn, and Swede
I came to talk with ghosts
Hoping I might learn the way
The story unfolded
And how to say “Wisconsin”
Eagles white-haired, yellow thunder
A crow and dancing bear in the berry patch
A giant lookout for the Spirit rains
Geese and Cranes and yellow Warblers
White birch, Woodchucks,
Yellowthroats, Whitetail,
Cattail, Moose swimming The Apostles
And yellow flowers foresting our valleys
Everywhere, everywhere…
Overgrowing all Wisconsin
2. The Tale Of Us All (This Is Home)
This is home… where my people dwell
It takes more than just one tongue to tell
The tale of us all slowly becoming one
The tale of us all here, where the river runs
In the land, in the crackling fire
In the wind, in the river choir
Hear the tale of us all slowly becoming one
The tale of us all here, where the river runs
This is home
3. Can't help Wondering
4. Blackhawk's Theme
5. A New Land
6. Minstrels Tell Their Story
7. Conflict
8. A New Land (Wagon Trails)
9. The Tale Of Us All
10. Minstrels Again
11. The Battle
12. Blackhawk's Theme 2
13. This Is Home
14. The Battle
Lyrics adapted from a U.S. soldier’s diary
Saturday, July 21st, 1832
Cold and blowing rain
We renewed our pursuit
Following the day we camped
At 10 in the morning
A scouting party
Killed a Sauk warrior
Sick, and unable to travel
Mourning at his wife’s grave,
Somehow they suspected him
Of leading an ambush
He was a Sauk warrior
He was
Doubling our speed,
Anxious to press forward
The trail way was littered
With the trinkets of the Indians
They began to show themselves
From the heights, right and left
Diverting our attention
Rapidly our lines advanced
Halting, forming once or twice
To meet the enemy
This went on throughout the day
’Til we fixed our bayonets
And drove them from the hills
To the river valley, down below
Overtaking them, they fought
Fired our guns, killing one
And wounding two or three
A soldier was heard calling out:
“Stillman is not here!”
And then we started charging
Indians lay in the grass
So many in the grass
Don’r know the number
Of Indians killed that day.
One of our men was killed:
Thomas Jefferson Short.
Several more were wounded.
Don’t know how many Indians
So many Indians
But the battle was over
And we had won.